Investment Seminar
An erratic start to the year and defiant markets have given investors a lot to think about. In the local investment update Leonard Krüger explains why following the herd does not get the results and Jeanette Marais gives us five key principles that underpin long-term investing. Tamryn Lamb reiterates the point that offshore investing should form a core part of your long-term investment plan and that you should invest consistently instead of trying to time the market.
Leonard Krüger
Leonard Krüger cautions against following the herd and looks at the state of the local economy.
Tamryn Lamb
Tamryn Lamb argues for consistently investing offshore instead of reacting to news headlines and looks at where Orbis is finding value.
Jeanette Marais
Jeanette Marais talks about the important role you play in making your investments a success and offers five investment principles that will help you reach your financial goals.