Fraud prevention and cybersecurity

Sophisticated fraudsters and cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to gain access to our personal details, bank accounts and investments. Here we share insights to help investors protect their personal information, identify scams and avoid being compromised online.

Articles in "Fraud prevention and cybersecurity"

Safeguard yourself from scams this festive season

By Renita Govender on 21 Nov 2024

Reading time: 5 mins

As we wrap up the year and move into the festive season, we tend to become less vigilant and let our guard down. Unfortunately, as we unwind, fraudsters are...

Tips to improve your online security

By Werner Lunow on 10 May 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

Protecting your personal information is critical to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime. Many internet users overlook basic aspects of their online securit...

Red flags: How to recognise an investment scam

By Faizil Jakoet on 10 May 2024

Reading time: 5 mins

Given the rise of fraudulent schemes targeting unsuspecting individuals seeking to grow their wealth, and a series of high-profile fraud cases surfacing in...


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