Offshore investing - Allan Gray
Offshore investing

Podcast: Do old investment truths still hold in the current global environment?

In the latest episode of The Allan Gray Podcast, hosted by Allan Gray portfolio manager Rory Kutisker-Jacobson, Dan Brocklebank, head of Orbis UK, reflects on the most valuable investment truths he has learnt as he celebrates two decades at the firm. Dan joined our offshore partner during the dotcom boom and has seen our shared investment philosophy play out through multiple cycles. During the conversation, he explains how Orbis thinks about investing in an environment shaped by rising geopolitical tension, a growing global energy crisis and rampant inflation. Dan also shares some insight into where Orbis is finding compelling opportunities today, why forecasters are so bad at predicting what will happen tomorrow and why we still believe that the best way to build wealth is by adopting a long-term approach.

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