Rob Formby

2020 Q4 Comments from the Chief Operating Officer

There seem to be fewer articles in mainstream media this year encouraging people to set goals for the year ahead. With COVID-19 prevailing, it...

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2020 Q4

Insights categories - Markets and economy

America as seen from afar

By Sandy McGregor on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 19 mins

The United States is of critical importance to all investors regardless of where they are domiciled. It is the world’s largest economy, the powerhouse of...

Insights category - companies

To have and to hold?

By Kamal Govan on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 9 mins

If the value associated with a holding company is less than the sum of its parts, is it a worthwhile investment? Kamal Govan looks at the drivers of holding...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis: President's letter 2020

By William Gray on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

In his annual president's letter, William Gray, from our offshore partner, Orbis, reflects on a difficult year and reaffirms his conviction in the team's...

Insights categories - Corporate citizenship

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation: Fostering resilience

By Yogavelli Nambiar on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 9 mins

There are many things 2020 will be remembered for – most of them less than pleasant. But for Yogavelli Nambiar, from the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, the pas...


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