Mahesh Cooper - Allan Gray

2022 Q2 Comments from the Chief Operating Officer

There has been no respite from the extreme events the world has had to face in the last six months, be it war, or closer to home, devastating flooding,...

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2022 Q2

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Whither inflation?

By Sandy McGregor on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 21 mins

In the past 12 months , global inflation has surged. Sandy McGregor discusses the increasingly turbulent response of the financial markets.

Insights categories - Markets and economy

On the commodity boom and other South African fables (and foibles)

By Thalia Petousis on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 8 mins

Just as the economic destruction from the COVID-19 pandemic rose to crisis levels, strong commodity export prices swept in to alleviate South Africa’s fiscal...

Insights categories - Investment insights

How do you cater for extreme events when constructing resilient multi-asset portfolios?

By Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

Gladness Rupare and Martine Damonse, who hosted panels with members of the Allan Gray and Orbis Investment teams, capture some of key questions and insights,...

Insights categories - ESG

Our approach to responsible investing

By Raine Adams on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 7 mins

We are navigating an increasingly complex world in the wake of the pandemic and in the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war. This brings to the forefront the...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis Global Equity: The duration dislocation

By Graeme Forster on 28 Jul 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

In investing, risk and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. Graeme Forster from our offshore partner, Orbis, unpacks current distortions in the market...


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