Mahesh Cooper - Allan Gray

2023 Q2 Comments from the Chief Operating Officer

Milestones naturally provide an opportunity for both reflection and prospection: It is always insightful looking back on lessons learnt, considering...

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2023 Q2

Insights categories - Markets and economy

The prospects for global growth

By Sandy McGregor on 19 Jul 2023

Reading time: 18 mins

The post-pandemic bounce back of the global economy is losing momentum, and many fear that developed economies may slip into recession.

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Currency dynamics and returns in emerging and frontier markets

By Rami Hajjar on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 16 mins

Rami Hajjar considers currency dynamics in emerging and frontier markets, focusing on how currency impacts returns, and how we think about this factor when...

Insights categories - Local investing

The equity core that powers our business

By Nick Curtin on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 12 mins

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary this year, we naturally reflect on the history of the firm and the important milestones we reached along the way. Nick...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Orbis Global Equity: Value in a changing Japan

By Brett Moshal on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 8 mins

Optically, Japan has not been an attractive investment destination over the last 30 years. However, Brett Moshal, from our offshore partner, Orbis, illustrat...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Risk: An essential ingredient for real long-term returns

By Nomi Bodlani on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 14 mins

When it comes to investing, no investor wants to lose money. In fact, as humans, we have a built-in aversion to loss. Unfortunately, by overly focusing on...


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