Start a basic unit trust investment
You can invest in unit trusts for most of your investment goals, from saving for longer-term objectives, to meeting your shorter-term needs.

We will carefully manage your chosen unit trust investments following our proven investment philosophy. To build your long-term wealth with us, you can invest monthly or start with a lump sum, subject to our minimums.

You can choose a unit trust that suits your needs and time horizon. While you can monitor your investment and make changes at any time without transaction fees or penalties, we encourage long-term investing.
Choose a unit trust that suits your needs
We offer a simple range of unit trusts, suitable for different needs. When you choose a unit trust, there is a trade-off between higher potential return on the one hand, and stability and lower risk on the other.
Potential for higher long-term return, with more significant fluctuation that could last for many years.
Our flagship long-term unit trust. Steady long-term return with moderate fluctuation.
Less fluctuation with above-inflation return. There may be some fluctuation within a two-year period.
Most stability with higher return than bank deposits and traditional money market funds. Suitable for short-term needs.
Other unit trust options
If you would like offshore exposure, you can invest in the Allan Gray-Orbis rand-denominated offshore unit trusts. These are listed in the “Our local unit trusts” section on our Unit trusts, prices & factsheets page.
We also have specialist unit trusts (the Allan Gray SA Equity Fund, the Allan Gray Optimal Fund, the Allan Gray Bond Fund, the Allan Gray Income Fund and the Allan Gray Money Market Fund), which may be more suitable for experienced investors who are comfortable building their own investment portfolio.
If you want to include diversification in your investment strategy, you may also want to invest in unit trusts from other investment managers.
All investment options
View our All investment options page for the full range of our investment products and underlying unit trusts.