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Articles tagged as "Nigeria"

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Investment notes from the frontier

By Grant Pitt on 20 May 2024

Listening time: 51 min

Investing in frontier markets is not for the faint-hearted. But for those brave enough to look beyond material risks, such as political instability, currency...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Broadened horizons, local learnings

By Nick Ndiritu and Leonard Krüger on 22 Oct 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

Leonard Krüger and Nick Ndiritu look at how we have tailored our investment philosophy and process to invest in Frontier Africa markets. They discuss lessons...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Finding value in frontier African markets

By Nick Ndiritu on 29 Apr 2019

Reading time: 12 mins

Across corporate boardrooms in South Africa, a number of management teams and institutional investors are grappling with a vexing question: Is investing in...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Riding out volatility in African equity markets

By Nick Ndiritu on 04 Feb 2019

Reading time: 4 mins

Africa’s equity markets delivered disappointing returns in 2018. The MSCI Africa index was down -24%, while the MSCI Africa ex-SA index was down -13%. None o...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Investing in Africa’s debt markets

By Nick Ndiritu on 30 Sep 2016

Reading time: 8 mins

Patient capital dedicated to Africa’s capital markets is scarce, especially during economic or political downturns. Nick Ndiritu explains how long-term...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Consumption trends in emerging markets: Opportunities and pitfalls

By Duncan Artus and Tamryn Lamb on 23 Nov 2015

Reading time: 4 mins

Looking to capitalise on the rise of the emerging market consumer? Beware of the potential pitfalls .

Insights category - companies

The sentiment pendulum

By Andrew Lapping on 01 Apr 2015

Reading time: 4 mins

Investor sentiment is a delicate thing, which changes with surprising rapidity. Kenyan banks… Three years ago Kenya and the Kenyan banks were very out of...

Insights categories - Markets and economy

Understanding the risk of loss in Africa ex-SA

By Andrew Lapping on 30 Jun 2014

Reading time: 9 mins

A small percentage of the foreign component of our Balanced and Stable Funds is invested in Africa and investors looking for greater exposure to the region c...


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